This week Symfony2 refactored and simplified cache warmers. Doctrine bridge was also heavily refactored and some classes were moved from the bundle to the bridge. Console component was made more powerful and Serializer component expanded its interface and simplified its internals. As usual, Form component showed a frantic development activity, including the removal of one feature not available for 2.0 launch.
June 13, 2011
#A week of symfony
The definitive guide to (not) responding to speed benchmarks and framework comparisons
June 11, 2011
Symfony2 codebase is almost completed, so this week the development activity focused on moving, renaming, refactoring and tweaking code, mostly on Routing and Event components. DoctrineBundle was also updated, including some new convenient shortcuts and a brand-new Doctrine chapter for the official book.
June 6, 2011
#A week of symfony
It took more time than expected, but this week Symfony2 released two new beta versions. Beta2 was a huge leap from beta1 and beta3 fixed lots of bugs. This frantic development activity was possible thanks to the ever-growing list of Symfony2 contributors. The documentation team also worked hard this week to keep up synced with Symfony2 development.
May 30, 2011
#A week of symfony
Annotations in Symfony2 now feel more "native".
May 23, 2011
#Living on the edge
This week Symfony2 development achieved another remarkable milestone: the official repository received its 1,000th pull request. Meanwhile, Doctrine bridge added a very convenient unique validator, Form component renamed, removed and simplified some properties and methods and lots of exceptions were renamed in other components.
May 23, 2011
#A week of symfony
This week, Symfony2 reintroduced parameters in the DIC of several bundles, error page template customization was greatly simplified and Assetic introduced configuration for automatically apply filters to assets based on path. Meanwhile, Symfony2 doc team continued their impressive work with the complete overhaul of the Security component documentation.
May 16, 2011
#A week of symfony