Symfony blog posts for June 2017
11 blog posts were published on June 2017
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This week, Symfony focused on fixing minor issues across all the supported branches. Meanwhile, the upcoming 3.4 version added a new validator panel in the profiler and the upcoming 4.0 version added support for the immutable directive in the cache-control header.
June 25, 2017
#A week of symfony
This week, Symfony introduced Webpack Encore, the new official tool to manage web assets in Symfony applications. Meanwhile, we continued removing some dependencies from the upcoming Symfony 3.4 version, such as Doctrine Cache and the Stopwatch component. Lastly, we announced the dates and Call for Papers deadlines of the next Symfony conferences in London, San Francisco, Berlin and Cluj (Romania).
June 18, 2017
#A week of symfony
The SymfonyTour 2017 is coming! Meet us at SymfonyLive London, San Francisco, Berlin and SymfonyCon Cluj!
June 16, 2017
Hello Webpack Encore! Simple but powerful asset processing for your app. Built on
top of industry best-practice tools, with a lightweight API to get you setup fast
and back to writing code.
June 13, 2017
#Living on the edge
The front-end of was revamped recently. In this article, we explain the major changes, including the use of the new official Symfony tool to manage web assets.
This week, Symfony 3.3.2 was released to fix the minor issues found since the final 3.3.0 release last week. Meanwhile, the upcoming Symfony 3.4 version added support to automatically enable the routing annotation loader and improved the VarDump search feature. Lastly, the next Symfony conferences opened their Call for Papers period: SymfonyLive London 2017, SymfonyLive San Francisco 2017, and SymfonyCon 2017 in Cluj (Romania).
June 11, 2017
#A week of symfony
This week, Symfony 3.3.0 was released, including hundreds of changes and some notable new features. In addition, the 2.7.28, 2.8.21 and 3.2.9 maintenance versions were released. Lastly, the SymfonyLive London 2017 conference announced that it will take place on September 22.
June 4, 2017
#A week of symfony