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Get the scoop on what's new with Symfony this September! Schedule announcement of SymfonyCon Brussels 2023, SymfonyCasts' tutorial, focus on Symfony's tip, events & talk
September 29, 2023
Celebrate 3 years of Symfony UX with Ryan Weaver! Explore LAST stack for a delightful frontend development experience. Fast, fun, and productive.
September 28, 2023
Discover the game-changing updates in PHPUnit Version 10. Sebastian Bergmann will unveil improvements for seamless testing.
September 27, 2023
We're excited to welcome you to Berlin next week! Find here all the details you require.
September 26, 2023
This week, we continued working on tweaking and polishing the new features of the upcoming Symfony 6.4 features. In addition, the community proposed a revamp of the Serializer component to make it more powerful and performant. Lastly, we published more talks for the SymfonyCon Brussels 2023 conference and announced the last early bird days for the SymfonyLive Paris 2024 conference.
September 24, 2023
#A week of symfony
Simplify Symfony app distribution with self-executing binaries! Learn with Kévin Dunglas to ship your app effortlessly with FrankenPHP.
September 21, 2023
Explore Symfony project's software supply chains, from Composer to CI with Nils Adermann. Enhance PHP dependency management for your application's security!
September 20, 2023
Unlock the world of Domain-Driven Design with Stefan Koopmanschap: Discover the blue and red books, and apply DDD to your projects!
September 19, 2023
Hurry, 7 days left for early bird tickets... Grab yours before rates increase on September 25th!
September 18, 2023
This week, Symfony announced the end of support for Twig 2 and a security release for the symfony/ux-autocomplete package. Meanwhile, the upcoming SymfonyCon Brussels 2023 conference announced its workshops and some of its first talks related to static analysis, the Symfony scheduler and ChatGPT.
September 17, 2023
#A week of symfony
Twig 2 end of life is scheduled for the end of December 2023.
September 14, 2023
Check out the workshop topics and the incredible trainers!
September 14, 2023
Explore PHPStan and ensuring framework compatibility with Ondřej Mirtes. Learn foundation, strong types, and custom rules for seamless integration!
September 13, 2023
Discover the power of Symfony Scheduler for efficient task automation in web development with Allison Guilhem. Join us to unlock its potential!
September 12, 2023
Security bug release for symfony/ux-autocomplete CVE-2023-41336
September 11, 2023
#Security Advisories
Let's dive into the basics of GPT and learn how to integrate it into Symfony applications with Christopher Hertel!
September 11, 2023
This week, Symfony launched a new initiative to help third-party packages and libraries with the new PHP types added in Symfony 7.0. In addition, it made a call for IT student volunteers for the SymfonyCon Brussels 2023 conference. Finally, we announced the countdown to SymfonyLive Berlin 2023 conference and to the API Platform Conference 2023.
September 10, 2023
#A week of symfony
The API Platform Conference is back on Thursday, September 21st, and Friday, September 22nd, 2023 in Lille (France) and it's also available online!
September 8, 2023
You are an IT student and you want to meet developers and IT professionals? Be part as volunteer to SymfonyCon Brussels 2023
September 7, 2023
Get ready for SymfonyLive Berlin 2023 starting next month! Inspiring talks, renowned speakers, and valuable insights await. Don't miss out! Read more
September 6, 2023
Symfony 7.0 will come with as much PHP type declarations as possible. Open source maintainers are requested to test their libraries and give feedback. You can also start preparing your applications for the next release.
September 5, 2023
This week, development activity was lighter than usual and focused on deprecating and tweaking features in the upcoming Symfony 6.4 version. Meanwhile, the SymfonyLive Berlin 2023 conference announced the last days of the reduced ticket price period.
September 3, 2023
#A week of symfony