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« Living on the edge » blog posts

A series of posts showcasing the new features introduced by each Symfony version.

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Symfony 6.2 DX improvements add a simpler way to get the current route in templates, hide sensitive information, improve PHP config builders and allow to pass form objects directly from controllers.
November 18, 2022 #Living on the edge
Symfony 6.2 adds support for UUID v7 and v8 formats, UID hexadecimal conversion, UID date/time value extraction and adds utilities to get the maximum UUID and ULID values.
November 17, 2022 #Living on the edge
Symfony 6.2 adds PHP Enum support in service parameters, YAML files and environment variable processors.
November 16, 2022 #Living on the edge 👍 1
Symfony 6.2 adds new debugging commands for mailers and message queues and improves commands to debug environment variables.
November 15, 2022 #Living on the edge
In Symfony 6.2, the File constraint allows to validate both file extensions and media types (MIME types) in a much simpler way.
November 14, 2022 #Living on the edge
Symfony 6.2 adds integrations with Infobip, Contact Everyone (Orange Business), SMSFactor, Zendesk and Chatwork in mailer and notifier components.
November 11, 2022 #Living on the edge
Symfony 6.2 includes a new AST-based translation extractor to find translatable contents in PHP files.
November 10, 2022 #Living on the edge
Symfony 6.2 introduces a new constraint to define conditional validations that are only applied when a given condition is matched.
November 9, 2022 #Living on the edge
Symfony 6.2 includes a new PSR-4 route loader which improves the finding of route attributes defined in PHP classes.
November 8, 2022 #Living on the edge
In Symfony 6.2, the Finder components adds new methods to sort by file extension, size and case-insensitive name.
November 7, 2022 #Living on the edge