This week, the first Symfony 2.4.0 release candidate version was released. Meanwhile, the first ideas and changes for the upcoming Symfony 2.5 version were proposed, such as the new YAML linter and the deprecation of the Apache dumper.
December 1, 2013
#A week of symfony
SymfonyCon Warsaw 2013 is around the corner! We’re so exciting about it and I hope you all too! Here is a recap of what you need to know in order not to miss anything happening during this awesome conference!
November 27, 2013
On November 7th and 8th, some 270 Symfonians met in Berlin for Symfony Live Berlin 2013. This year’s conference had a few new things in store.
November 27, 2013
This week, development activity was focused on the last remaining bugs before the imminent publication of the first release candidate version of Symfony 2.4. In addition, some small but long-standing issues were fixed, such as the standardization of the constructor initialization style throughout Symfony code.
November 24, 2013
#A week of symfony
Exciting news, we launched the second edition of the [Symfony Awards](!
November 22, 2013
This week, Symfony 2.2.10 and Symfony 2.3.7 maintenance versions were published. Meanwhile, the new ExpressionLanguage component received a lot of new documentation and the Swedish Symfony community announced their first Symfony conference.
November 17, 2013
#A week of symfony