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We're very pleased to announce 3 new conference speakers and 1 last pre-conference workshop topic at SymfonyWorld 2020! Find out the last conference details!
October 29, 2020
We're super excited to unveil more selected speakers of SymfonyWorld 2020! Join us at the 100% online event about Symfony in 2020!
October 28, 2020
Find out all the logistic details about SymfonyWorld 2020, including conference hours, attendees' conference and workshop experience.
October 27, 2020
This week, development activity of the upcoming Symfony 5.2 version focused on the new RateLimiter component to polish its features and fix the reported issues. Meanwhile, the SymfonyWorld 2020 online conference announced even more speakers and its workshops.
October 25, 2020
#A week of symfony
In Symfony 5.2 the Notifier component is easier to debug and provides integration with lots of new third-party services.
October 23, 2020
#Living on the edge
SymfonyWorld 2020 comes with 2 days of online pre-conference workshops on December 1st and 2nd 2020. Find out all the workshops you can attend!
October 22, 2020
Symfony 5.2 introduces a Semaphore component to complement the existing Lock component and provide access to a shared resource to multiple concurrent processes.
October 22, 2020
#Living on the edge
Symfony 5.2 provides support for "login links" (or "magic links") which allow users to fully authenticate in your application by clicking on a specially crafted link.
October 21, 2020
#Living on the edge
In Symfony 5.2, you can use PHP 8 attributes to define the validation constraints.
October 20, 2020
#Living on the edge
We're super pleased to announce more selected speakers of the first 100% online Symfony conference, December 3-4 2020. Discover the new talks and speakers scheduled! Conference speakers selection is not over yet!
October 19, 2020
Symfony 5.2 introduces new form field helpers to get each field part value without any HTML code around it.
October 19, 2020
#Living on the edge
This week, the second beta of Symfony 5.2 was released, fixing and polishing some of its new features. Meanwhile, the SymfonyWorld 2020 online conference announced new speakers. Finally, the Symfony project turned 15 this week and appointed four new members to its Core Team.
October 18, 2020
#A week of symfony
Symfony 5.2 includes a new "login throttling" feature to mitigate brute-force attacks against login forms.
October 16, 2020
#Living on the edge
❤️ 2
In Symfony 5.2 the behavior of the front controller can be modified with configuration options, without having to edit the index.php file.
October 15, 2020
#Living on the edge
Symfony 5.2 introduces a new Rate Limiter component to allow you implement protection measures such as limiting the number of HTTP requests or login attempts.
October 14, 2020
#Living on the edge
Symfony 5.2 introduces support for handling and responding to signals (e.g. SIGINT, SIGTERM, SIGUSR1) in your console commands.
October 13, 2020
#Living on the edge
❤️ 1
SymfonyCloud gets new features to embrace the growing usage of Symfony Messenger.
October 12, 2020
The speakers selection for SymfonyWorld 2020 is still going on! We're pleased to announce more selected speakers of the first 100% online Symfony conference, December 3-4 2020. Discover the new talks and speakers scheduled!
October 12, 2020
Symfony 5.2 adds support for shared locks, which is a synchronization primitive used to solve one of the readers–writers problems.
October 12, 2020
#Living on the edge
This week Symfony 4.4.15 and 5.1.7 maintenance versions were released. Meanwhile, development activity focused on fixing and polishing the upcoming Symfony 5.2 features and Symfony 5.2 beta1 was published. Finally, Symfony Insight announced a free webinar on software quality.
October 11, 2020
#A week of symfony
Symfony 5.2 adds new asserts (assertFormValue() and assertCheckboxChecked()) to simplify the form tests .
October 9, 2020
#Living on the edge
In Symfony 5.2 you can use PHP 8 attributes in the controller arguments to turn them into other objects.
October 8, 2020
#Living on the edge
Join us in our free webinar about SensioLabs' feedback on how they leveraged SymfonyInsight to steer one of their project with confidence. Register now for the webinar on October 15th 2020, 3 PM UTC.
October 7, 2020
In Symfony 5.2 you can use PHP callbacks to get/set the form field values from/into the related object/array.
October 7, 2020
#Living on the edge
Symfony 5.2 includes a Uid normalizer to serialize/deserialize UUIDs and ULIDs. It also introduces a new validation constraint to validate ULIDs.
October 6, 2020
#Living on the edge
In Symfony 5.2, the HTTP client can retry all the failed HTTP requests automatically.
October 5, 2020
#Living on the edge
This week, the upcoming Symfony 5 2. version added support for defining validation constraints as PHP 8 attributes, new Twig form helpers and a new magic login link authentication. Meanwhile, the official Symfony shop added new swag and the upcoming SymfonyWorld online conference announced new speakers.
October 4, 2020
#A week of symfony
Symfony 5.2 adds support for DKIM, an email authentication mechanism designed to reduce email phishing and spam.
October 2, 2020
#Living on the edge
In Symfony 5.2 the recomputing of cache values can be done asynchronously thanks to the new integration with the Messenger component.
October 1, 2020
#Living on the edge